Why Would You Have a Fat Transfer to Your Breasts?

By Dr. Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 03/18/2024

Innovations are constantly reshaping the landscape of plastic surgery, one of which has quickly gained popularity in recent years– fat transfer to the breasts. Traditionally, breast augmentation has required implants, but fat transfer offers a natural, less invasive alternative. So, what exactly does this procedure entail, and why might someone opt for it? What would

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How Long Do Breast Implants Last Before They Must be Redone?

By Dr. Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 02/13/2024

One of the most common questions we get from breast augmentation patients is regarding the longevity of their breast implants. Breast implants can last for many years but if you are considering having them redone, it’s important to understand all your options. Understanding Your Breast Implant Options  Breast augmentation is a popular procedure for women

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Do I Need a Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation, or Both?

By Dr. Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 01/15/2024

Breast augmentation and the breast lift are two popular procedures for women in Tampa, FL. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts, you might be considering cosmetic breast surgery. It’s important to know the different functions of these two procedures so that you can determine which is right for your individual goals.

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Why Are Massages So Important After Plastic Surgery?

By Dr. Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 10/13/2023

The recovery period after any major surgery can be taxing on the body. Rest is absolutely vital, but a lack of motion in our muscles and tissues can make it difficult for our lymphatic system to drain properly. However, certain massage techniques can stimulate tissue activity, draining excess fluid and shortening your recovery period without

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What Are My Options for a BBL If I Am Thin?

By Dr. Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 09/25/2023

A Brazilian butt lift is a cosmetic procedure that harvests fat from one area of a patient’s body and repositions it in the butt in order to enhance the figure. More dramatic curves can be desired by any person with any body type, but a healthy amount of fat is required to achieve this look

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Can I Have Plastic Surgery For A Double Chin?

By Dr. Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 08/18/2023

A double chin is an extra pad of fat just under your jaw. It’s often a stubborn part of the body that doesn’t always respond to diet and exercise. Luckily, there are many treatment options (both surgical and non-surgical) that can effectively get rid of this pesky layer of fat.   Let’s take a look

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What is Abdominal Etching?

By Dr. Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 08/08/2023

No matter how much diet and exercise you do, sometimes ab muscles can be hidden under a layer of fat. That’s where abdominal etching comes in. If you have distinct muscle tone in your abdominal region and are looking to make your six-pack stand out, this liposuction procedure can give you the results you’re looking

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Scarless Neck Lift: Rejuvenating the Neck with Natural Results

By Dr. Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 08/08/2023

  As we age, the neck is often one of the first areas to show signs of sagging skin and loss of definition. Neck lifts have long been a popular solution for restoring a youthful appearance to the neck. However, traditional neck lift procedures involve visible scarring. Fortunately, advancements in plastic surgery have led to

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Scarless Facelift: Enhancing Youthful Appearance with Minimal Scarring

By Dr. Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 08/08/2023

As the desire for a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance grows, so does the demand for facelift procedures. Traditionally, facelifts involved surgical techniques that resulted in noticeable scarring. However, with advancements in plastic surgery, scarless facelifts have emerged as a revolutionary option. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of scarless facelifts, the

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Scarless Arm Lifts: Redefining Arm Contouring without Scarring

By Dr. Marvin Shienbaum, MD On 08/01/2023

Arm lift procedures, also known as brachioplasties, have gained significant popularity in recent years as more individuals seek to enhance the appearance of their arms. Traditionally, arm lifts involved surgical techniques that left noticeable scars. However, with advancements in plastic surgery, scarless arm lifts have emerged as a revolutionary option.   Traditional Arm Lifts: Understanding

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